yep I made those |
So if you know me very well at all you know that I have a stupid weakness for cupcakes...(well and tomatoes but never together). Thankfully there isn't a fantastic cupcake place in good ol' Stortford, or at least I haven’t found one. So with this I set out to make cupcakes. Now also if you know me very well baking is not one of my 'things'...cooking yes, kinda, but baking not so much. BUT I had to give it a shot....and.... they were amazing! They were just vanilla with a buttercream frosting but I didn’t want to go all fancy just yet, but I am plotting some lemon raspberry melt in your mouth amazingness soon.
WE GOT OUR TV :) I woke up early to make sure that I would be awake for the delivery guys to call, and of course they got lost and heck if I know even really what street I live off of...but they laughed and found us anyways...I don’t dare open the box though, I'll give Sedge the pleasure at lunch :)
you know you've seen these and giggled |
Anyhoodle, So the weather has been absolutely amazing and sunny and kinda warm!! By kinda warm mean like 67 degrees...to me that’s winter-ish but I'll be damned these crazy Brits were in very little clothing and acting like it was the middle of summer...it was very strange...its not that warm... it is kind of cute to be honest they are just so excited... They brought out their shorts and EURO MAN CAPRIS (you know what I am talking about...think about a past experience at Disneyland...they are too tight to be shorts and too sort to be pants...it was epic...it was like spotting a mullet in the wild) and EVERYONE had bbqs, including the Sedgwicks'...it felt a little funny huddling by the bbq pit for warmth after the sun went down with our "burnt offerings" as the dad-in-law put it but it was a good showing none the less. But I'll be honest I did love the sun and soaked it in like everyone else and even wore my sunglasses it was glorious. I suppose keep what everyone and their mom is saying to heart "you better enjoy this, this is our summer"...but I refuse.

Now if you know my hubby even just a bit you know he has a slight man crush on Tom Waits he has 483 of his 'songs' and clips...If you don’t know who Tom Waits is be thankful...if you do I'm sorry...unless you like him..in which case you need help. Just kidding...kind of...Now this Tom Waits character has a deep scruffy voice (which Sedge thinks has down spot on...) made from too many years of whiskey and smoking...and he writes weird lyrics with weird noises that just kinda mush together to make weird music. But I am sad to say...it's kind of growing on me...I don’t know if its because of all the force listenings when Sedge looks like a kid and says "LOOK! Mal come here and listen!!!" and you cant really say no cause he is sooo excited. I think I will go listen to Katy Perry now aka the anti Tom Waits...
and now a PSA for bees:
To wasps/hornets/whatever kind of deadly bee thing you are:
I may be new to this country but don’t think me as a fool...just because Americans are classified as friendly does not mean I am going to open any of my doors or windows when you bang into them and ask if you are alright...momma always said don’t talk to strangers... now just go bug some other 'newbie' and let me open my doors...or... I will have no choice and will have to get crazy on your butt and kill you...now you don’t want that do you...think it over...
-Boot sales are like yard sales and are filled with interesting things and a lot of cute tea cups
-we got new silverware/cutlery and it came in a fancy box with foam separating everything...felt very grown up :)
-if it even hints at bbq weather run to the store and get hamburgers and buns...or they will be gone because everyone else ran to get them
-I think I have a job interview on Wed. insert nerves here.....
-the amount of flowers everywhere is just amazing but also the reason for the stupid bees
-Donny Darko is just a weird movie
-eating outside is always better than in
-smelling cupcakes baking in your oven is always better than in a bakery
-stores close at 4 on Sundays and it's nice.
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